Gruppo Generali Apps

Generali Italia 2.1.1
L’app di Generali Italia, ti permette di accedere in modo rapido edimmediato ad un mondo di servizi digitali a te riservati e se haibisogno della consulenza esperta dei nostri Agenti potrai mettertiin contatto con la tua Agenzia o cercare quella a te piùvicina.L’applicazione permette di:- segnalare un sinistro auto, casa e malattia, allegando le fotodei danni o la documentazione relativa- cercare sulla mappa le Agenzie, le carrozzerie, le clinicheconvenzionate e gli installatori di scatole nere più vicini a te,corredati da numeri di telefono ed indicazioni per raggiungerli(calcolate dal luogo in cui ci si trova)- richiedere immediatamente l’intervento di un carro attrezzi incaso di guasto dell’auto a seguito di incidente;- avere a disposizione una mappa stradale che ti permette discoprire l’itinerario più sicuro da percorrere e la situazione deltraffico in tempo reale- conoscere il tasso alcolemico e, se necessario, chiamare un taxidirettamente dalla app, sfruttando la geolocalizzazione- fissare nel calendario le date più importanti delle tuescadenze- simulare il calcolo della tua responsabilità in casod’incidente- calcolare quanto manca alla tua pensione per iniziare a ragionarecon il tuo Agente sul piano pensionistico più adatto al tuo stiledi vita- conoscere il profilo di rischio e visualizzare le copertureassicurative maggiormente adeguate alle tue abitudiniI servizi sono in continuo aggiornamento con l’obiettivo dioffrirti giorno dopo giorno la soluzione più adatta per risponderealle tue esigenze in mobilità.Generali Italia è la più grande realtà assicurativa del paese alservizio di un unico Cliente , TU!The appGeneral of Italy, allows you to quickly access and immediate accessto a world of digital services reserved for you and if you need theexpert advice of our agents will be able to contact your agency ortry one near you .The application allows you to:- Report a left car, house and disease, attaching photos of thedamage or the documentation- Search on the map Agencies, body shops, clinics and affiliatedinstallers black boxes near you, complete with phone numbers anddirections to reach them (calculated on where you are)- Immediately request the intervention of a tow truck in case offailure of the car following an accident;- To have a road map that allows you to find the safest route to goand the traffic situation in real time- Know the BAC and, if necessary, call a taxi directly from theapp, using geolocation- Fix the most important dates in the calendar of yourdeadlines- Simulate the calculation of your liability in case ofaccident- Calculate how much missing from your pension to start thinkingwith your agent on the pension plan best suited to yourlifestyle- Know the risk profile and display the insurance policies mostappropriate to your habitsServices are continuously updated in order to provide day after daythe best solution to meet your needs in mobility.Italy is the largest general insurer in the country at the serviceof a single customer, YOU!
Generali GEB iCBM 2.0
The Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) iCountryBenefits Manual (iCBM) provides an overview of the usual andcustomary benefits offered in the public and private sectors of theGEB Network’s representative countries around the globe.
Generali 3.7
The Generali Corporate app is meant to provide our key stakeholderswith the Groups’ core package of info while on the move, bothonline and offline. Its main features include: - press releases andpress kit - webcast and results archive with latest reports - sharecharts: Generali’s share intraday graph, interactive charts,investment calculator - corporate documents, as Code of Conduct,Sustainability Report and Governance Report - image gallery,including Top Management and advertising historical posters; videogallery, including latest corporate and sponsoring videos - mapwith quick references to the Group presence worldwide - interactivecalendar of key events - main Head Office contacts Conceived as anagile tool for mobile professionals looking for the latest info onGenerali, it complements website, which is the app'sprimary source of info and which is always available for furtherbrowsing and deeper research. We would like our app to be usefuland user friendly. Therefore we welcome your feedbacks andsuggestions on how to improve it. Please feel free to email us [email protected].
Generali Compliance Network 1.9.16
A networking tool for the Generali Group Global ComplianceCommunity.
Generali We SHARE 1.5.4
Your go-to destination to keep up-to-date on the We SHARE Plan andGenerali.
The Age of the Lion 3.6.03
The app provides access to contents of book published byAssicurazioni Generali
Club Degli Azionisti Generali
The Generali Group Shareholders club
Generali GPM
Generali GPM is Generali Group Performance Management's app.
Il Tempo del Leone 3.6.03
The app of the book consultation published byAssicurazioniGenerali.
Digital Minds 1.7
Discover the new Digital Minds App